As works on North Runway’s Construction Package 1 are nearing completion, we are now in a position to open the new 2.5km R108 diversion road to the west of Dublin Airport. The new road will open on Friday, October 20, 2017 at around 6 pm. At the same time, in compliance with the previously agreed Extinguishment of Rights of Way, a section of the R108 will close, as indicated on the map above.
Please note the layout at the junction of the new diverted road with St. Margaret’s Bypass. The spur road which will connect the new junction to Toberburr Road will open later in November, at which time the new traffic signalling system will become fully operational. The traffic lights are not required until the spur road opens next month.
Please drive safely as you get used to these new layouts.
The North Runway Team is on hand to answer any questions you may have, and we can be contacted on Freefone 1800-804422 or by email at northrunway@daa.ie.