An application is being made to Fingal County Council for permission to keep the southern end of Forrest Road closed until Friday, September 29, 2017.
As previously publicised, the current path of the Naul Road (Forrest Little Road) (L2020) extends into the safety zones close to the new runway. This road is being straightened, and its realignment will result in Forest Road (L2025) being shortened. A new priority junction at the intersection of the two roads is being constructed, with a ghost island provision to cater for right-turning vehicles.
During the course of these works, unforeseen ground conditions were encountered which has necessitated further works. During the closure period local access only will be permitted to this section of Forrest Road, as shown on the map below. Alternative routes available for vehicular traffic are as follows:
Access from Naul Road (Forrest Little Road) (L2020) (East Bound) to Forrest Road (L2025):
Naul Road (Forrest Little Road) (L2020) East Bound Divert to Swords Road (R132) Swords Road (R132) to Boroimhe Road (L2300) Boroimhe Road (L2300) to
Forrest Road (L2025)
Forrest Road (L2025) to Cooks Road (L6007).
Access from Naul Road (Forrest Little Road) (L2020) (West Bound) to Forrest Road (L2025):
Naul Road (Forrest Little Road) (L2020) West Bound Divert to Naul
Road (R108)
Naul Road (R108) to Cooks Road (L6007).
Cooks Road (L6007) to Forrest Road (L2025)
Access from Forrest Road (L2025) (Southbound) to Naul Road (Forrest Little Road) (L2020):
Forrest Road (L2025) (South Bound) to Cooks Road (L6007)
Cooks Road (L6007) to Naul Road (R108)
Naul Road (R108) to Naul Road (Forrest Little
Road) (L2020)
Diversion signage and traffic management measures will be in place for the duration of the closure.
We are happy to clarify any of the details outlined above, so if you have any queries, please feel free to contact us directly via email on northrunway@daa.ie or by freephone on 1800 804 422.