daa’s application to amend two planning conditions associated with North Runway has now been validated by the Planning Authority, Fingal County Council (FCC). The application can be viewed at the Council's offices in Swords and Blanchardstown, and on their website (www.fingal.ie). Selected documents associated with the application, including the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and high resolution noise contours, can be viewed and downloaded from our virtual portal and North Runway website (www.northrunway.ie).
Observations on the application can be made to FCC within the specified period. FCC will refer noise elements of the application to the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority (ANCA) which will publish its draft noise determination in due course and undertake a 14-week public consultation, during which time members of the public can provide feedback. ANCA's final noise determination will then issue to FCC and will be incorporated into the overall planning decision.
Further information is available at www.northrunway.ie.