Community Engagement

A record number of community groups and clubs from across the Fingal region have submitted an application for grants from the €10 million Dublin Airport Community Fund.
The latest application window, which closed at the end of October, saw more than 75 applications being submitted. A process has now commenced to assess those applications, with an independent grant-making panel due to meet over the coming weeks to determine which projects are eligible for funding.
Dublin Airport’s Community Fund was launched in 2017 with a total investment of €10 million to be distributed over 25 years. The Dublin Airport Community Fund makes a call for applications twice a year – normally in Spring and Autumn, with two types of grants available: Minor Grants of less than €5,000; and Major Grants of more than €5,000.
The next applications window will open in Spring 2024, when applications will once again be invited from 13 eligible areas from Santry, south of the airport to Rolestown in the north, and from Tyrrelstown on the west to Portmarnock on the east.
The Dublin Airport Community Fund supports local projects that make a positive contribution to communities around Dublin Airport with applications encouraged across six categories including Environment and Sustainability, Sports and Recreation, Education and Training, Health and Wellbeing, Social Inclusion and Community Development, and Culture and Heritage.
The Fund also supports up to 20 students per year from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to attend Dublin City University (DCU) via its Access Programme.
Dublin Airport’s Community Engagement Manager, Angela Flynn, said: "It's fantastic to once again see so much interest in the Community Fund and we're excited by the potential of some of the applications from local community groups and clubs. Our Fund recognises the crucial role that our communities play in the success of Dublin Airport. We are particularly interested in working with organisations to develop initiatives in areas such as the environment, sustainability, health, wellbeing and social inclusion. We look forward to announcing details of the successful projects in December and to working with applicants to ensure the grants bring additional benefits to communities close to Dublin Airport."
To find out more about our ESG initiatives, please visit our daa ESG website here.