October 19, 2017
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The team of six is particularly busy coming up to Christmas, preparing Christmas wreaths to decorate the terminals, replanting hedging, and caring for a multitude of indoor plants.
In total, they maintain 90 acres of land. Between the different demands of spring and summer, and with planting and preparing specially created blooms for events throughout the year, the team are kept busy.
Over 6,000 planted bulbs including hyacinths, daffodils and tulips will bring a burst of colour to the airport after the winter months, and more than 12,000 bulbs, made up of forget-me-nots, pansies, viola and primroses will be planted in spring and bloom next summer.
The Gardening & Landscaping team also plan for the year ahead, taking into account any special events that may be happening during the year. in 2018. In the past, our gardeners have created beautiful displays marking significant events such as The Gathering in 2013, the Giro Italia visit in 2014, and more recently the 1916 Centenary Year.